

Living with hearing conditions is about 
more than just your ears.

It’s about being able to share experiences and be connected, wherever, whenever. We are creating a movement to make this happen. Sound fair? 




soundfair social

Swap notes and make friends with other hard-of-hearing people. This facilitated group meets online the second Thursday evening every other month to chat. This event is fully captioned.


facebook group

Hard of hearing and deaf Aussies is a moderated Facebook group where you can ask questions, give advice and connect with people from across Australia who understand what it’s like to live with a hearing condition.



Our professional education strives to address the gap in hearing health care between the needs of people living with hearing conditions and the way hearing healthcare is provided.


research database

Would you like to help researchers learn more about hearing conditions? Join Soundfair’s volunteer research database to be connected with academics conducting research studies.


share your story

Everything we do – from research and education to advocacy and developing new clinical services – is fuelled by stories of lived experience. Share your story to help us create a fair world for people with hearing conditions.


make a donation

The Soundfair Hearing Bank recycles and reconditions used hearing aids, allowing people who would otherwise be unable to afford them, access to devices and hearing healthcare – it costs $300 to recondition a hearing aid.

By joining Soundfair, you are part of a national movement committed to eliminating the social and emotional impacts of hearing conditions and creating a future where those with hearing conditions are empowered and have equal access to enjoy life. 

“I want to feel part of my community. I want to feel connected, heard and included” 


After joining Soundfair, you will: 

  • Participate and shape the national hearing equality conversation through campaigning and advocacy projects
  • Empower society to have empathy for people with hearing conditions through awareness-raising activities
  • Empower people with hearing conditions to be socially and emotionally connected through community participation
  • Catalyse national change within the hearing care system to be about more than just ears and more than just devices.

Your efforts will support Soundfair to:  

  • Lead national conversations about hearing equality by putting people with hearing conditions at the centre of their experience 
  • Empower change to the health and hearing care system to ensure it is about more than just ears and more than just devices.

Together, we will empower hearing equality. That sounds fair to us. 

“All I want is to help others see those who have trouble hearing.”

sound fair?

…who wants to help us eliminate the social and emotional impacts of hearing conditions.

Listen up. Did you know hearing conditions affect  


What do I receive when I JOIN?

To show the world you are making hearing seen and people heard:

You will become part of our Soundfair community and engaged in our online conversations, advocacy campaigns and events across Australia. As a highly-valued supporter of the Soundfair mission, you will have the opportunity to inform Soundfair’s key initiatives and services into the future. 

Individuals will receive: Soundfair branded KeepCup and lanyard. Individual members will receive 10% off Earshot, a photo-series book depicting hearing conditions by Kate Disher-Quill. For Earshot purchase orders, please contact info@soundfair.org.au  

Organisation or businesses will receive: A copy of Earshot, a photo-series book depicting hearing conditions by Kate-Disher Quill, for your clinic waiting-room or communal office area. Organisational and business also receive 10% off bulk purchase orders of Soundfair KeepCups, and bulk copies of Earshot. If you would like to order KeepCups or extra copies of Earshot, please contact [email protected]